Oct 18 | 7 - 9pm | Free
- October 18, 2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
What is our modern food system and how did we get here?
Touching on attitudes, access to basic nutrition and food sovereignty, Fergal Anderson will be joined by guests to address some of the issues of feeding ourselves in the modern world. But this is not a talk shop, there are tangible solutions to problems out there that can very easily be implemented once you know and want them.
This talk will focus on the people who are producing our food – from large scale corporations to small farmers and community supported agriculture.
Food is political.
Get involved.
This is a free event, but if you feel like contributing towards the EAT:ITH Series a donation of €2-5 (or whatever you feel) on the day would be much appreciated. Donations help ensure that this and other EAT : ITH events remain accessible to all.

Fergal Anderson runs Leaf and Root farm in East Galway with his partner Emanuela Russo. Leaf and Root farm is Galway’s only Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm. They also supply Loam restaurant in Galway city. Fergal has been involved in Food Sovereignty Ireland (www.foodsovereignty, is a founder member of Talamh Beo, Ireland’s newest representative organisation for farmers, and worked for a number of years with La Via Campesina, the International movement of Peasant farmers in their Brussels office.

Suzie Cahn, director of Carraig Dulra permaculture and training centre