Oct 11 | 7-9pm | Free
- October 11, 2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This is a free event, but if you feel like contributing towards the EAT:ITH Series a donation of €2-5 (or whatever you feel) on the day would be much appreciated. Donations help ensure that this and other EAT : ITH events remain accessible to all.
Fiona Cribben is an artist, designer and mother living in Dublin. She was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009 when she was living in Iceland. In February 2016 she was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. She has lived with cancer for almost 10 years.
During this time she has undergone conventional chemo and radiotherapies as well as a number of more alternative approaches to her healing of metastatic breast cancer. However, through all of this food has become one of her most valuable allies. It is something that gives her power, hope and control over her healing and she believes that her diet is what is keeping her alive. What we feed our bodies has the power to heal and Fiona’s life is a true testament to that.
She recalls the day she got her cancer diagnosis while living in Iceland.
“It was the most heartbreaking day. Time stood still and I didn’t know if I would even see the year out. And here I am… ”
Ten years on, she has had her fair share of ups and downs but she is here and has a message to share. All she wanted when she was diagnosed was to talk to someone who was well and living with cancer. She would like to share her experience and learning from this journey.
This evening event will see Fiona in conversation with Finn Murray, owner of the Hopsack. They will discuss her personal story and approach to food and cancer.
DISCLAIMER: we are not advocating any one particular diet / treatment / approach to healing cancer and we do not offer any medical advise. This event is simply about sharing one person’s story. Everyone has their own path.